NF Resident Info
NF Resident Info and Documents
HOA Meeting Info
​Next Board Meeting:
February 2025 meeting is scheduled for:
Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 6:30 pm
**Board meetings are typically held on the THIRD Monday of each month**
March meeting is scheduled for: Monday, March 17, 2025 @ 6:30 pm
Nottingham Forest Club, 325 Kickerillo Dr, Houston, TX 77079
Notes: Open to the NF Residents ONLY
HOA Meeting Agendas, and Past Meeting Minutes are located in the Members section. You must create an account and log in (in upper right corner) to access this information.
If you have any issues, please email nfclub@sbcglobal.net
The HOA Board
Meetings of the Board are generally held each month and are open to all residents and homeowners of Nottingham Forest. If you wish to address the Board regarding a particular matter, please contact the neighborhood's management company, Crest Management, at www.crest-management.com or 281-579-0761 at least three days before the meeting so that you may be placed on the agenda.Annual homeowners' meetings take place in May, when Trustees are elected and a review of the year is presented. Another meeting is held during the year where the Board presents the budget for the Association for the next year for approval. Unless otherwise announced, all NFCA Board and general meetings are held at the Nottingham Forest Club, 325 Kickerillo, Houston, Texas 77079.
The Association is responsible for enforcement of the Deed Restrictions, collection of garbage and refuse, security, and maintenance and landscaping of the entrances to the subdivision and common areas. You may contact the appropriate trustee (see listing of current trustees) directly with any questions or concerns.
Trash Collection
Green For Life 281-368-8397
Nottingham Forest’s garbage collection is currently contracted to WCA each Monday and Thursday.
Complaints and/or Missed Pick-ups --- contact GFL Environmental Customer Service
Garbage Reminders:
Backdoor Pick-up, no need to put trash at curbside
Curbside only if more than six bags
Thursday pick-up for large items
Never put trash at curbside before 6:00 p.m. Sunday and Wednesday
Recycling Collection:
Re-cycling pick-up is each Thursday.
Glass, bottles, jars
Newspapers, magazines, phone books
Aluminum cans and foil
Tin (vegetable) cans
Plastic marked 1,2,3,4,5,7 on bottom
Junk Mail
Gutters, Copper, scrap
NF Constable
The Association employs Harris County Precinct 5 Constables to patrol our neighborhood day and night.
Nottingham Forest Security 281-463-6666
Constable Vacation Watch 281-463-6666